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What You Need to Know About Salvat Ingles BBC English Course

What is Salvat Ingles BBC English Course?

If you want to learn English in a fun, easy, and effective way, you might have heard of Salvat Ingles BBC English Course. This is a popular and comprehensive English course that was created by Salvat, a Spanish publishing company, in collaboration with BBC, the British public broadcaster. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about this course, including what it is, why you should use it, how it works, how you can download it for free, and how you can get the most out of it.



Why should you learn English with Salvat Ingles BBC English Course?

Learning English is one of the best investments you can make for your personal and professional development. English is the most widely spoken language in the world, and it can open many doors for you in terms of education, career, travel, culture, and communication. However, learning English can also be challenging, especially if you don't have access to quality materials, methods, and teachers. That's why Salvat Ingles BBC English Course is a great option for you. Here are some of the benefits of learning English with this course:

  • It covers all aspects of the language. This course will help you improve your listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in English. It will also teach you grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, idioms, and expressions that are essential for communicating effectively in different situations.

  • It adapts to your level and needs. This course has six levels that correspond to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), from A1 (beginner) to C1 (advanced). You can start from the level that suits your current knowledge and progress at your own pace. You can also choose the topics and themes that interest you the most from a wide range of options.

  • It uses authentic and engaging materials. This course is based on real-life scenarios and dialogues that reflect how people speak and write in everyday situations. It also uses audiovisual materials from BBC programs and documentaries that are relevant, informative, and entertaining. You will learn about different cultures, countries, people, and issues while improving your English skills.

  • It differs from other English courses. This course is not like any other English course you might have tried before. It is not boring, repetitive, or outdated. It is not too easy or too hard. It is not too formal or too informal. It is not too expensive or too cheap. It is just right for you. It is a unique and innovative way to learn English that combines the best of both worlds: the expertise and quality of Salvat and BBC.

How does Salvat Ingles BBC English Course work?

Salvat Ingles BBC English Course is a multimedia course that consists of three main components: books, DVDs, and CDs. Here is how each component works:

  • Books. Each level of the course has 12 books that contain the lessons, exercises, and tests. Each book covers a specific topic, such as travel, work, family, health, etc. The books are written in a clear and simple language, with illustrations, examples, and tips. They also have a glossary and a grammar summary at the end.

  • DVDs. Each level of the course has 12 DVDs that contain the videos that accompany the books. Each DVD has four episodes that show different situations and characters related to the topic of the book. The videos are produced by BBC and feature native speakers with different accents and backgrounds. They also have subtitles and transcripts for easier comprehension.

  • CDs. Each level of the course has 12 CDs that contain the audio files that complement the books and DVDs. Each CD has four tracks that correspond to the episodes of the DVD. The audio files are also produced by BBC and feature native speakers with different accents and backgrounds. They also have transcripts for easier comprehension.

In addition to these components, the course also offers online access to a website where you can find extra resources, such as games, quizzes, podcasts, articles, forums, etc. You can also contact a tutor who can answer your questions and give you feedback on your progress.

How can you download Salvat Ingles BBC English Course PDF?

If you are interested in Salvat Ingles BBC English Course, you might be wondering how you can get it. One option is to buy it from the official website or from a bookstore. However, this option can be quite expensive, as each level of the course costs around 200 euros. Another option is to download it for free from the internet. However, this option can be quite risky, as you might encounter some problems, such as viruses, malware, broken links, low quality, etc. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of downloading Salvat Ingles BBC English Course PDF for free:



- You can save money.

- You can break the law.

- You can access it anytime and anywhere.

- You can harm your device.

- You can share it with others.

- You can miss some features.

If you decide to download Salvat Ingles BBC English Course PDF for free, you should be careful and follow some tips:

  • Use a reliable and secure website. There are many websites that claim to offer Salvat Ingles BBC English Course PDF for free, but not all of them are trustworthy and safe. You should avoid websites that look suspicious, have pop-ups, ads, or requests for personal information. You should also check the reviews and ratings of other users before downloading anything.

  • Use a good antivirus and firewall software. Even if you use a reliable and secure website, you might still encounter some viruses or malware that can damage your device or steal your data. You should always have a good antivirus and firewall software installed on your device and update it regularly. You should also scan any file you download before opening it.

  • Use a good PDF reader software. To open and read Salvat Ingles BBC English Course PDF files, you need a good PDF reader software that can display them correctly and smoothly. You should avoid using outdated or incompatible software that can cause errors or crashes. You should also update your software regularly to fix any bugs or issues.

If you don't want to download Salvat Ingles BBC English Course PDF for free, you have some alternatives:

  • Borrow it from a library or a friend. If you don't want to buy or download Salvat Ingles BBC English Course PDF, you might be able to borrow it from a library or a friend who has it. This way, you can access it legally and safely without spending any money. However, you might have to wait for availability or return it after a certain period of time.

  • Stream it online from a website or an app. If you don't want to buy or download Salvat Ingles BBC English Course PDF, you might be able to stream it online from a website or an app that offers it. This way, you can access it anytime and anywhere without storing any file on your device. However, you might need an internet connection or pay a subscription fee to use this service.

How can you get the most out of Salvat Ingles BBC English Course?

Salvat Ingles BBC English Course is a great way to learn English, but it is not enough to just buy it, download it, or stream it. You also need to use it properly and effectively to achieve your goals and improve your skills. Here are some tips and tricks to get the most out of Salvat Ingles BBC English Course:

  • Set a realistic and specific goal. Before you start using Salvat Ingles BBC English Course, you should have a clear idea of what you want to achieve with it. Do you want to improve your general English skills or focus on a particular area? Do you want to prepare for an exam or a job interview? Do you want to travel or study abroad? Whatever your goal is, you should make it realistic and specific, and measure your progress along the way.

  • Create a regular and consistent schedule. To learn English effectively with Salvat Ingles BBC English Course, you need to dedicate some time and effort to it. You should create a regular and consistent schedule that suits your availability and preferences. You should also stick to it and avoid skipping or postponing your sessions. Ideally, you should use Salvat Ingles BBC English Course for at least 15 minutes every day.

  • Use all the components and resources of the course. Salvat Ingles BBC English Course offers a variety of components and resources that can help you learn English in different ways. You should use all of them and not just rely on one or two. You should read the books, watch the videos, listen to the audio files, do the exercises, take the tests, visit the website, contact the tutor, etc. You should also review and repeat the materials regularly to reinforce your learning.

  • Practice your skills in real-life situations. Salvat Ingles BBC English Course can provide you with a lot of knowledge and practice in English, but it is not enough to just use it in isolation. You also need to practice your skills in real-life situations where you can interact with other people and use the language for meaningful purposes. You can join online communities, forums, or chats where you can meet other learners or native speakers. You can also watch movies, listen to music, read books, or play games in English.


In conclusion, Salvat Ingles BBC English Course is a fantastic option for anyone who wants to learn English in a fun, easy, and effective way. It is a multimedia course that covers all aspects of the language, adapts to your level and needs, uses authentic and engaging materials, and differs from other English courses. It also offers online access to a website where you can find extra resources and a tutor. You can buy it from the official website or from a bookstore, or you can download it for free from the internet or stream it online from a website or an app. However, you should also use it properly and effectively to achieve your goals and improve your skills. You should set a realistic and specific goal, create a regular and consistent schedule, use all the components and resources of the course, and practice your skills in real-life situations. If you follow these tips and tricks, you will surely get the most out of Salvat Ingles BBC English Course.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Salvat Ingles BBC English Course:

  • How long does it take to complete Salvat Ingles BBC English Course?

It depends on your level, goal, pace, and schedule. Each level of the course has 12 books, 12 DVDs, and 12 CDs that contain 48 lessons in total. Each lesson takes about 15 minutes to complete. Therefore, if you use one lesson per day, you can complete one level in about two months. However, you can adjust your speed according to your needs and preferences.

  • Can I use Salvat Ingles BBC English Course on my smartphone or tablet?

Yes, you can. If you buy or download Salvat Ingles BBC English Course PDF files, you can open them on any device that supports PDF format. If you stream Salvat Ingles BBC English Course online from a website or an app, you can access it on any device that has an internet connection. However, you might need some extra software or plugins to play the videos and audio files.

  • Can I get a certificate after completing Salvat Ingles BBC English Course?

Yes, you can. If you buy Salvat Ingles BBC English Course from the official website or from a bookstore, you will receive a certificate of completion after finishing each level of the course. You can also request a certificate of attendance if you use the online tutor service. However, if you download or stream Salvat Ingles BBC English Course for free, you will not receive any certificate.

  • Is Salvat Ingles BBC English Course suitable for children?

Yes, it is. Salvat Ingles BBC English Course is designed for learners of all ages and backgrounds. It uses simple and clear language, colorful and attractive illustrations, and fun and interesting topics that can appeal to children. However, some of the materials and resources might be too advanced or inappropriate for very young children, so parental guidance is recommended.

  • Is Salvat Ingles BBC English Course available in other languages?

Yes, it is. Salvat Ingles BBC English Course is originally in Spanish, but it has been translated into other languages, such as French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, etc. You can choose the language that suits your native language or the language you want to learn.



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